13 March 2007

Some Background & Comments

B"H 24 Adar 5767

I am acquainted with R' Dov Bar Leib and have been an avid reader, along with all of you since all these blogs opened. First Ya'akov Nathan, then Dov, and Nava, etc. I feel exactly what you feel in reading all these things. Constantly tracking though all the new information looking for hints and clues about where we are in the grand scheme. Anxiously awaiting Rav Dahan's latest shiur.

I really believed we would not fast last Tisha b'Av and then I really waited and watched for something to happen on Purim. I have been as deflated as you looking for things to happen that never materialize. I am as afraid as you are that I might be wrong. But about the sign itself and what it portends, I have no doubt whatsoever. Only, as I said before I am not 100% WHEN it will take place. For this, one needs nevua, which unfortunately for us, due to our many sins, is currently unattainable.

It is my nature and actually part of my mission to tell and to reveal. My rabbis have occasionally cringed over things I have spoken aloud. Uncharacteristically, I have been reticent to speak much about this issue, this "sign." It's an issue which draws large numbers of people to both sides of it. It is something which I want so much to see happen, and have worked so hard to see happen that I am truly afraid of endangering it in any way.

I have paid very close attention to Nava's blog and while I have not agreed with her on everything, I have received invaluable information there. Information which has fortunately or unfortunately put me in this position in which I find myself today. When she gave the message about keeping quiet from Rav Dahan, I took that to heart. That was fine until the experience I had on Ta'anit Esther (that's ME and NOT Nava), at which point I knew with absolute certainty that this HAD to be IT and I had to warn people somehow that time was up.

The thing about experiences is that once you are a bit removed from it, it is easy to begin to doubt the reality of it and to worry either a) that you are crazy or b) that you are crazy and delusional. I hoped that some word from Rav Dahan about what happened on Purim would relate to what happened to me on Ta'anit Esther and then I could act with more confidence.

I want to emphasize that throughout all of this, I have never claimed to be speaking of or about Mashiach, though some seem to have interpreted it that way.

PAY ATTENTION! The focus of this imminent sign is the downfall of Edom which signals a new phase of Israel's redemption, which "in it's time" (b'ita) is an ongoing process. It may or may not be accompanied by the revelation of Mashiach, but what is most important is that there is going to be a cut off point, after which no one else will get in or out.

Until 9/11, who could ever have imagined that a day would come when not one plane would take off or land all across the US? This was part of the first warning. It can and it will happen again, but for a much longer period of time. It is possible to wait too long. This should have been one of the most important lessons learned from the Shoah!

Hashem has been so patient with us. He has given us so much time, so many opportunities when so few real obstacles stood in our way. After high school, before you got caught up in student loans and house notes and school for your children and mates who didn't share your vision, it could have been so easy. We pay the price for delay and the longer we delay, the higher the price becomes. G-D forbid! it can eventually cost you everything. I don't say this to frighten you. But you have to understand the situation as it exists. A dreadful decree hovers over America, over all the nations who oppose HKB"H's plan for Am Yisrael's destiny.


Good Jews in Eretz Yisrael are suffering so that Western Jews can continue the exile. Hashem allows it because He knows the reward in store for them and He knows the tragic outcome that awaits the Jews of chu"l. But the freewill of the goyim is cutting your time very, very short. The door to the ark is going to close so that those who got on board won't drown along with those who didn't take the warnings to heart.

Neshama wrote:

I would like to ask how do you know what you know already?

I've alluded to a personal experience which occurred onTa'anit Esther. Without a lot more background information and a lot of time to take you step by step through a process entailing years, I could not begin to explain it to, not just to you, but to anyone who hasn't known me throughout most of it.

The thing about it is, that I was given information and asked to do a thing, neither of which should have been done, had this not been the time for the sign to be given. That's why my confidence to begin to reveal it was so high. I thought that if I just begin to speak of it and finish it on the day it happens, this might be enough to convince the skeptics to move before it is too late.

If it happened on Purim in Israel then what happened is already known by others. And if you know it and other people in Israel know it then why does it have to be a secret? Why do you withhold it from those who want to know?

You see how crazy it already sounds and I've really said virtually nothing.

First of all, I have only confided everything to one person and even for that person, it is difficult to deal with. So first thing, it is not known to more than two people in the world unless the mekubalim have a clue. The complete geula is so very close that already we are moving into a transitionary phase where people are having dreams and revelations of a personal nature, preparing them to fulfill their destinies. This is occuring for any and every Jew who makes himself available to HKB"H. Making oneself "available" is another entire issue for discussion. Rav Dahan spoke in the past about how techiyat hameitim would occur in stages as part of an evolving natural-to-supernatural process. This is the same idea.

However, my personal experience which provided the impetus for this discussion about a sign of impending Redemption is not really the issue here. It is the sign itself that you want to know about.

...Do you think Hashem, the Ruler of you and me, and the World, would tease his Children this way? You come along and say, something happened-- can't tell you--wait and see---but when you see it , come immediately to Israel. There are many eager neshomas desiring to be in Eretz HaKodesh. I am on pins and needles, organizing and pre-packing. Pesach is coming, preparations to be done, so much to do.

I understand how you see it, Neshama, but look at it from another perspective. Was it "teasing" when Hashem told Avraham Avinu to pick up and leave everything he'd ever known, with an elderly father who didn't make it and a brother who left off along the way and a wife and nephew in tow and Hashem said He would take him to a land that he would "show" him. He did not even know the destination when he left! We are asked every single day to take some things on faith and no mattter how many times we might be disappointed, we continue to exercise our faith because that is what religion is all about. Everything in life carries a risk. When we visit these sites and read things there, we know the risk we take and yet we do it. Even when there are disappointments, when we continue to believe and hhve faith in the ultimate reality of the redemption, we are a success on many levels.

The point I want to make over and over again until it sinks in is this. I haven't suggested anyone do anything beyond what each of us knows is already required of him---to come home to Eretz Yisrael! The only thing that is different is this. I am telling you that there is an END in sight and that this END for the Jews of the West, after which it will no longer be possible to leave there is to be accompanied by a sign by which you can KNOW that the end has been reached.

Lehavdil, if any of the people of Sodom had understood what it meant when Lot left the city in such great haste, perhaps they might still have saved their lives. This is another hint!

Give us some halachic backup to all this flurry.

Dear Neshama, you demand a lot. :-) What are you willing to give? To my knowledge, no halacha exists for where we are presently going. It will be for Mashiach, the Sanhedrin, etc to teach us that.

Even the Rimanover Rebbe declared:Regarding Moshiach's task of collecting the dispersed of Israel, R' Menachem Mendel of Rimanov asks: "Are we to suppose that Moshiach tzidkeinu will go to all the places where Israel is dispersed, to all the corners of the earth, and collect its members like a shepherd...?" He answers as follows: "The Moshiach, with his eleveated state of holiness, will conentrate his thoughts on exalted meditations and awesome forms of unification of Hashem's Names. Among the latter will be an especially petrifying and awesome form of unification which will produce the effect of gathering together all those that are born from the Jewish nation, who are dispersed over all the lands. Of their own accord they will feel compelled to come to the Holy Land. [Here he quotes Hoshea 11:11] "At this time, each member of Israel will experience a faintness and trembling in his heart, which will hasten him to fly and reside in the place where he will be directed. This is what will be accomplished by Moshiach with a single thought concentration and by invoking a unique holy form of unification of Hashem's Names which "no eye will have seen" or known other then Moshiach himself, whom we aspire to have in our midst speedily in our days."

Read the words you have written:

Of their own accord they will feel compelled to come to the Holy Land. ..."At this time, each member of Israel will experience a faintness and trembling in his heart, which will hasten him to fly and reside in the place where he will be directed.

Did I not say from the very beginning the following:
"Jews in chu"l should drop everything and leave for Eretz Yisrael, if they haven't left already because many are already getting this idea on their own and are suddenly planning to leave. Others have personal circumstances which are leading them to come home sooner than they expected. "

And you , Neshama are packing bags!

I think we deserve more than a blogger urging us by aluding to "something...can't tell you...be ready to rush to Israel". Please give us that "more".

I would remind you that I am not a "blogger." I only opened this place as a means of communicating over long distances in short time. I am so much NOT a blogger that this place is only to be open until the end of Pesach. That is as long as I intend to wait for this sign to come to pass.

However, I maintain that everything we know is pointing to this time period!

It is very late now, so I will have to close and try to respond to others' comments tomorrow.

Dear Neshama, I will re-assess and re-evaluate the advisability of giving you "that 'more'." IY"H, I will be more forthcoming in the days ahead. You cannot go wrong by continuing your preparations.


Anonymous said...

**thank you so very much**

May Hashem give you the courage and strength to continue to write, it is from the heart. I hope I did not offend you in any way, I ask mechila.

I have become aware of a certain 'something' that could affect the US as you allude to. It is truly terrifying. But will the "sign" come before that happens?

You are very brave to open up to us. I have been on the same email path as you, and those words you referred to that I sent you do reverberate through my fibre. If I can really do it is another thing; everyone I bring up the subject with thinks the topic and me are, well, ... I won't mention. Today my eyes are seeing differently.

I wonder how many people who are also looking in on these pathways are truly realizing that we are nearing the finish line. It's an historical climax.

Anonymous said...

Amen. And to "Blessed to be Yeushalmi" I thank you again because your words msut come from the heart, because they entered mine!

Anonymous said...

In such a scenario of which you speak, are cell phones the best mode of communication?

Blessed to be Yerushalmi said...

Anonymous, I don't look for the appearance of the "sign" to change the regular day-to-day routine of the American people. With G-d's help, I would like to lay a bit of groundwork in the upcoming posts before I tell you explicitly what I expect this "sign" to be.